Clean using microfibre and chemical-free techniques (Release 1)

Price: $599.00 $209.65

Code: CPPCLO3043



This unit of competency specifies the outcomes required to use microfibre and chemical-free cleaning techniques to clean a range of surfaces, including durable and soft surfaces on floors, furniture and fittings. It covers assessing the capacity for microfibre and chemical-free cleaning techniques to clean surfaces, selecting required equipment and cleaning techniques, and ensuring microfibre products are cleaned and stored following the cleaning work according to manufacturer specifications.

The unit supports cleaners who work alone or in teams. It applies in a range of commercial and residential work sites.

No licensing, legislative, regulatory, or certification requirements apply to this unit of competency at the time of endorsement.

Contains the following documents

  • Assessment Matrix (Mapping Document)

  • New Assessor Workbook/Guide (in MS Word Format)

  • New Cover Sheet

  • Learner Guide  (in MS Word Format)

  • New Learner Evidence Document

  • Learner Workbook (in MS Word Format)

  • New Observation and Demonstration Checklists

  • New Session Plan (in MS Word Format)

  • PowerPoint presentation

For more information please contact us on sarah@rtomaterials.com.au