Select and prepare a construction contract (Release 1)

Price: $599.00 $209.65

Code: CPCCBC4003A


Unit descriptor 

This unit of competency specifies the outcomes required to select and prepare appropriate construction contracts, including the sections, clauses and conditions for low rise construction projects. The ability to interpret complex documents, communicate clearly and succinctly and negotiate is essential skills.


Application of the unit 

This unit of competency supports the needs of builders, project managers, estimators and managers in the building and construction industry responsible for selecting and preparing contracts for building work.


Contains the following documents

  • Assessment Matrix (Mapping Document)
  • New Assessor Workbook/Guide (in MS Word Format)
  • New Cover Sheet
  • Learner Guide  (in MS Word Format)
  • New Learner Evidence Document
  • Learner Workbook (in MS Word Format)
  • New Observation and Demonstration Checklists
  • New Session Plan (in MS Word Format)
  • PowerPoint presentation


For more information please contact us on sarah@rtomaterials.com.au