Manage personal development

Price: $599.00 $209.65

Code: LWADEV301A


Unit descriptor

This unit provides the learner with the skills and knowledge required to identify and develop the attributes and skills needed to effectively undertake a leadership role.


Employability skills

This unit contains employability skills and these are outlined in the Leadership Accredited Course Framework


Application of the unit

This unit encourages learners to consider how their own values, motivations and emotions impact on others when undertaking a leadership role. Learners also evaluate the requirements of an effective leader and use this information to assist in their own personal development as a leader.


Contains the following documents

  • Assessment Matrix (Mapping Document)
  • New Assessor Workbook/Guide (in MS Word Format)
  • New Cover Sheet
  • Learner Guide  (in MS Word Format)
  • New Learner Evidence Document
  • Learner Workbook (in MS Word Format)
  • New Observation and Demonstration Checklists
  • New Session Plan (in MS Word Format)
  • PowerPoint presentation


For more information please contact us on sarah@rtomaterials.com.au