Design and develop learning programs (Release 2)

Price: $599.00 $209.65

Code: TAEDES401



This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to conceptualise, design, develop and review learning programs to meet an identified need for a group of learners. The unit addresses the skills and knowledge needed to identify the parameters of a learning program, determine its design, outline the content, and review its effectiveness.

It applies to trainers or facilitators who work under limited supervision to design, or develop, learning programs that are discrete, and provide a planned learning approach that relates to specific learning and training needs, or part of the learning design for a qualification.

No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.


Mapping Notes Date
Supersedes and is equivalent to TAEDES401A - Design and develop learning programs Updated to meet Standards for Training Packages  05/Apr/2016



Contains the following documents

  • Assessment Matrix (Mapping Document)
  • New Assessor Workbook/Guide (in MS Word Format)
  • New Cover Sheet
  • Learner Guide  (in MS Word Format)
  • New Learner Evidence Document
  • Learner Workbook (in MS Word Format)
  • New Observation and Demonstration Checklists
  • New Session Plan (in MS Word Format)
  • PowerPoint presentation
  • Supporting documents:
    • Contextualisation guide
    • Training and assessment strategy (TAS)
    • RTO Materials statement of validation
    • Student validation survey
    • Work placement logbook
    • Workplace documentation
    • Workplace evidence


For more information please contact us on sarah@rtomaterials.com.au