Manage employee and industrial relations (Release 1) Learner Guide Only

Price: $599.00 $209.65

Code: BSBHRM522(LG)


Unit Mapping Information

Supersedes and is equivalent to BSBWRK520 Manage employee relations.


This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to manage employee relations (ER) and industrial relations (IR) matters in an organisation. It involves developing and implementing ER and IR policies and plans and managing conflict resolution negotiations.

The unit applies to those who are authorised to oversee IR and manage conflict and grievances in an organisation. They will have a sound theoretical knowledge base in human resources management and IR as well as current knowledge of ER and IR trends and legislation.

No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.

Unit Sector

Technical Skills – Human Resources

Contains the following documents

  • Learner Guide 

Please note: these files don't have any activities in them. They are just Learner Guides. They are for RTOs wanting to use their own assessments.

If you need resources with the activities in them, you need our full classroom package (available for all units). 

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