Manage meetings (Release 1) Learner Guide Only

Price: $599.00 $209.65

Code: BSBTWK503(LG)


Unit Mapping Information

Supersedes and is equivalent to BSBADM502 Manage meetings.


This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to manage a range of meetings including overseeing the meeting preparation processes, chairing meetings, organising the minutes and reporting meeting outcomes.

The unit applies to individuals employed in a range of work environments who are required to organise and manage meetings within their workplace. These individuals may work as senior administrative staff or may be individuals with responsibility for conducting and chairing meetings in the workplace.

No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.

Unit Sector

Social Competence – Teamwork and Relationships

Contains the following documents

  • Learner Guide 

Please note: these files don't have any activities in them. They are just Learner Guides. They are for RTOs wanting to use their own assessments.

If you need resources with the activities in them, you need our full classroom package (available for all units). 

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