Manage volunteers (Release 1) (SUPERSEDED)

Price: $599.00 $209.65

Code: SITXHRM005



This unit covers the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to manage a volunteer workforce, maximising the retention of its members. It requires the ability to determine and evaluate volunteer staffing requirements, and recruit, select and train volunteers.

The unit applies to individuals working in any industry who need to manage volunteer involvement in business or community activities.

It applies to senior personnel who operate independently or with limited guidance from others, including dedicated specialist staff or operational supervisors and managers.

It is particularly relevant in the community, cultural, sporting, events and tourism sectors where volunteers feature prominently as part of the workforce, both as part of one-off events and ongoing activities.

No occupational licensing, certification or specific legislative requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.

Unit Sector


Contains the following documents

  • Assessment Matrix (Mapping Document)

  • New Assessor Workbook/Guide (in MS Word Format)

  • New Cover Sheet

  • Learner Guide  (in MS Word Format)

  • New Learner Evidence Document

  • Learner Workbook (in MS Word Format)

  • New Observation and Demonstration Checklists

  • New Session Plan (in MS Word Format)

  • PowerPoint presentation

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